Summer Writing Seminar Led by TC

One on One Editing and Counseling

Intensive personal consulting and editing sessions in which the student and editor discuss, review and perfect any and all aspects of the application.

Group Sessions

For schools or peer networks, we can deliver compact accelerated sessions to get groups of students thinking rapidly about writing applications essays. Ideal for high school classes; church, temple or youth groups; and even groups of friends and peers organized by parents. On site or in your home.

Phone and Web Service: Local, National, International

With today's tools of internet, email, fax, and phone, students and editors can exchange files, track changes, and talk in real time, attaining the same level of highly personal communication as do the students we meet in person.  This option is especially valuable to students outside the NYC metro area.

 SAT & Academic Year Tutoring / Hunter HS Exam

Ted Cleary's teaching and tutoring encompasses more than college application essay editing.  He also offers individual or group sessions in SAT I Reading and Writing / SAT Essay / SAT II Literature & History / Hunter HS Exam as well as regular academic school year tutoring in English, History, Composition, Religion, Art History or Creative Writing.  Highly customized to student needs.  In-person or long distance. 

Language Coaching for Professionals
For professionals seeking to improve their game in the marketplace, Ted Cleary offers coaching in written and oral expression, helping clients improve organization, content, clarity and conciseness of letters, emails, proposals, one-on-one meetings, and presentations.  As needed, clients practice use of handouts, audio/visual aids, microphone technique.  As a former trial attorney, Ted Cleary evaluates poise, posture, gesture, voice, and eye contact.
Clients work on listening and dialogue skills to become more alert to client cues and adapt accordingly.  Attention paid to several aspects of the professional-client relationship, but above all to the critical element of clear, timely, and effective communication.

Script & Story Editing

For writers seeking help with screenplays, short stories, novels, memoirs, or song lyrics, Ted Cleary and his associates can assist with structure, rhythm, conception, character development, tone, editing, proofreading, logic flaws, and final presentation. Amateur or Professional.